Saturday, November 26, 2011


The Fir Trees arrived home today and are ready for the tree.
Lynis did a great job finishing them.
How long do you suppose it will be until I get the other 7 stitched.
Below are last year's ornaments.

This will be their first year on the tree.  They got lost in the mail last year and didn't arrive until January.
Baylyn gets the Melissa Shirley Candy Cane.
Skylyn is a nutcracker fan.  She gets the Kathy Schenkel Toy Soldiers w/ Mouse King.

Tomorrow, we (as in father of the grandchildren) start pulling Christmas out of the garage.  It's called a garage but, I use it as a storage facility.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


For the past four weeks, I have been attending Boot Camp.  I report at 4:45 AM for tortuous exercise until 6 AM.  This goes on six days a week for six weeks. (Thankfully, I was late in enrolling.)  I lost 5 lbs of fat & 6" in the 4 weeks.  I am also learning to box.  Even wearing training gloves, I was hesitant to hit anything with my hands,  They are my lively hood and my hobby.  I got over it.  I have had to adjust my bed time so have not accomplished much.  Tomorrow I start Fit Camp which is only 3 days a week.  I need to eat "better" but that probably won't happen this week.

I was reviewing the web site today.  Several products have mysteriously disappeared.  Several others need to disappear.  As a result,  there are new sale items.

I am grateful for all the help, love, and support I have received.  Oh, it's starting to rain.  We have so little rain, we are always excited & thankful when it arrives.

Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 6, 2011



I have decided to feature one of Lisa Krause's frames & matching canvases as they are not seen very often in needlepoint stores.  I was going to select one a month but there are so many charming choices that I couldn't make up my mind.  I will change them on my home page more often.  House on Pond is the first offering.  The canvas is by Ewe & Eye with the frame by Lisa.  They will be priced and sold as a set.  The creativity & talent blows my mind!

Stitch on,

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Pam & I drove into San Bernadino last night for the San Bernadino  ANG Guild meeting.   Margaret Bendig was teaching her Hepzabah's Boot, the second of her three dimensional witch's boots.  Pat Correz had the samples of the upcoming weekend classes.  I signed up for two including Nancy Cucci's Amazing Grays.  it is amazing!
